class Message mixin Swift_Message (View source)
protected Swift_Message | $swift | The Swift Message instance. |
protected array | $embeddedFiles | CIDs of files embedded in the message. |
Forward a method call to the given object.
Throw a bad method call exception for the given method.
Create a new message instance.
Add a "from" address to the message.
Set the "sender" of the message.
Set the "return path" of the message.
Add a recipient to the message.
Add a carbon copy to the message.
Add a blind carbon copy to the message.
Add a reply to address to the message.
Add a recipient to the message.
Set the subject of the message.
Set the message priority level.
Attach a file to the message.
Create a Swift Attachment instance.
Attach in-memory data as an attachment.
Create a Swift Attachment instance from data.
Embed a file in the message and get the CID.
Embed in-memory data in the message and get the CID.
Prepare and attach the given attachment.
Get the underlying Swift Message instance.
Dynamically pass missing methods to the Swift instance.
protected mixed
forwardCallTo(mixed $object, string $method, array $parameters)
Forward a method call to the given object.
static protected void
throwBadMethodCallException(string $method)
Throw a bad method call exception for the given method.
__construct(Swift_Message $swift)
Create a new message instance.
from(string|array $address, string|null $name = null)
Add a "from" address to the message.
sender(string|array $address, string|null $name = null)
Set the "sender" of the message.
returnPath(string $address)
Set the "return path" of the message.
to(string|array $address, string|null $name = null, bool $override = false)
Add a recipient to the message.
cc(string|array $address, string|null $name = null, bool $override = false)
Add a carbon copy to the message.
bcc(string|array $address, string|null $name = null, bool $override = false)
Add a blind carbon copy to the message.
replyTo(string|array $address, string|null $name = null)
Add a reply to address to the message.
protected $this
addAddresses(string|array $address, string $name, string $type)
Add a recipient to the message.
subject(string $subject)
Set the subject of the message.
priority(int $level)
Set the message priority level.
attach(string $file, array $options = [])
Attach a file to the message.
protected Swift_Mime_Attachment
createAttachmentFromPath(string $file)
Create a Swift Attachment instance.
attachData(string $data, string $name, array $options = [])
Attach in-memory data as an attachment.
protected Swift_Attachment
createAttachmentFromData(string $data, string $name)
Create a Swift Attachment instance from data.
embed(string $file)
Embed a file in the message and get the CID.
embedData(string $data, string $name, string|null $contentType = null)
Embed in-memory data in the message and get the CID.
protected $this
prepAttachment(Swift_Attachment $attachment, array $options = [])
Prepare and attach the given attachment.
Get the underlying Swift Message instance.
__call(string $method, array $parameters)
Dynamically pass missing methods to the Swift instance.